Determining Your Face Shape: 5-Step Measurement Guide 2024

by Josie kohloff
determine your face shape

Gone are the days of a simple “short back and sides” and limited choices for eyewear. In today’s world of style, understanding how different face shapes influence your look is paramount. Your hairstyle and choice of glasses can either accentuate your features or leave you wishing for a more flattering outcome.

Read More: How to Choose the right haircuts for your face shape?

Consider This: rocking John Lennon frames on a round face? Not the best idea. Opting for a skin fade with a diamond-shaped face? Think twice. To truly elevate your style game, you need to grasp the nuances of face shapes and how they play a pivotal role in crafting a look that suits you perfectly.

If navigating the intricacies of face shapes feels as perplexing as escorting a vegan to Nando’s, fret not. We’ve got you covered with a fail-safe guide to help you confidently answer the age-old question, ‘what is my face shape?’ It’s time to unlock the secrets of your unique profile.

Face Shape Chart

The diverse realm of face shapes encompasses seven unique profiles, as depicted in the chart below. If identifying your face shape isn’t as straightforward as a quick glance, or you find yourself wavering between categories like round and square, don’t worry. We’ll guide you through a precise and detailed method to measure your face accurately, enabling you to confidently determine your distinctive face shape.

different types of face shapes to determine your haircut

Source: fashionbeans

How to Measure Your Face?

STEP 1: The Essential Tools

While you might have a trusty builder’s tape measure somewhere in your toolbox, it’s not exactly the ideal choice for measuring your face shape. To make the process easier and more accurate, equip yourself with a flexible tape measure akin to those used by tailors. With this tool in hand, along with a notebook, you’re ready to embark on your face shape measurement journey.

STEP 2: Measuring Your Forehead

To determine your face shape, it’s crucial to identify the dimensions of your facial features – whether they are long, short, or perfectly balanced. We’ll begin with the forehead, a key area. Measure across the widest section, usually located approximately halfway between your eyebrows and your hairline. This measurement serves as the foundation for understanding your unique face shape.

Measuring Your Forehead

Source: fashionbeans

STEP 3: Measuring Your Cheekbones

Your cheekbone width is a critical factor in selecting the right hairstyle. An incorrect choice can significantly impact the balance of your features, including the relative proportions of your ears.

To measure your cheekbones accurately, position the tape measure across the most prominent part, which is typically just below the outer corner of each eye. This measurement is essential for a precise understanding of your face shape and subsequent hairstyle recommendations.

Measuring Your Cheekbones

Source: fashionbeans

STEP 4: Measuring Your Jawline

Regardless of your build, your jawline is a defining feature worth measuring. To locate it, measure from the tip of your chin to just below your ear, at the spot where your jaw begins to angle upward. Keep in mind that you have a jawline on both sides of your face, so remember to multiply the obtained measurement by two to determine your jawline length accurately. This measurement plays a pivotal role in deciphering your face shape and making informed decisions about your hairstyle.

Measuring Your Jawline

Source: fashionbeans

STEP 5: Measuring Your Face Length

The distinction between a rectangular face and a square face is a mere two inches—no joke, it’s a fact.

To determine your face length, place the tape measure from the center of your hairline and extend it down to the tip of your chin. For individuals with shaved or bald heads, estimate the point where your hairline would naturally be. This final measurement provides a comprehensive understanding of your face shape, enabling you to make well-informed choices regarding your ideal hairstyle.

Measuring Your Face Length

Source: fashionbeans

Deciphering Your Face Shape

After obtaining these measurements, the largest among the four will serve as the telltale sign, guiding you to your distinct face shape. Compare your measurements with the profiles provided below to pinpoint the shape that best defines your face:

Oval Face Shape

  • Characteristics: Face length surpasses cheekbone width, and forehead length exceeds jawline.
  • Jawline: Rounded.

Oval Face Shape

Source: fashionbeans

Square Face Shape

  • Characteristics: All measurements are relatively similar.
  • Jawline: Sharp, not rounded. Often considered the masculine ideal.

Square Face Shape - N Fashion Trends

Source: fashionbeans

Rectangle/Oblong Face Shape

  • Characteristics: Face length is the longest measurement; forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are similar in size. Are you wanted to know which hairstyles would suit on your oblong face shape? Check this guide of stylish haircuts for long face men.

Round Face Shape

Source: fashionbeans

Round Face Shape

  • Characteristics: Cheekbones and face length measurements are similar and larger than the forehead and jawline.
  • Jawline: Soft, less defined.

Diamond Face Shape

Source: fashionbeans

Diamond Face Shape

  • Characteristics: Face length is the largest measurement, followed by cheekbones, forehead, with the jawline being the smallest.
  • Chin: Pointed.

heart face shape

Source: fashionbeans

Heart Face Shape

  • Characteristics: Forehead measures greater than cheekbones and jawline, and the chin is pointed.

Triangle face shape

Source: fashionbeans

Triangle Face Shape

  • Characteristics: Jawline surpasses cheekbones, which, in turn, are larger than the forehead.

Source: fashionbeans

Understanding your face shape empowers you to make informed decisions about various aspects, including your hairstyle, beard, and sunglasses, to enhance your overall look.

FAQs About Face Shapes

How Can I Determine My Face Shape?

Determine your face shape by measuring your forehead, cheekbones, jawline, and face length. Then, compare these measurements to the defining features of each face shape.

Which Face Shape Is Considered Best for Men?

Some consider the square face shape ideal for men due to its traditional masculine look, characterized by a well-defined jawline and sharp features. However, you can use your hairstyle, beard, accessories, and style to enhance your natural features.

Do Round Faces Age More Gracefully?

Indeed, they do! Round faces have a natural advantage as they tend to store more fat in the cheeks, contributing to a more graceful aging process. So, even if you possess a round face, remember that aging can be on your side.

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